

Grid-based active stereo with single-colored wave pattern for dense one-shot 3D scan

佐川 立昌, Kazuhiro Sakashita, Nozomu Kasuya, Hiroshi Kawasaki, Ryo Furukawa, Yasushi Yagi


In this paper, we propose a method to reconstruct the shapes of moving objects. The proposed method is a projector-camera system that reconstructs a shape from a single image where a static pattern is cast by a projector, such a method is ideal for acquisition of moving objects at a high frame rate. The issues tackled in this paper are as follows: 1) realize one-shot 3D reconstruction with a single-colored pattern, and 2) obtain accurate shapes by finding correspondences in sub-pixel accuracy. To achieve these goals, we propose the following methods: 1) implicit encoding of projector information by a grid of wave lines, 2) grid-based stereo between projector pattern and camera images to determine unique correspondences, 3) (quasi-)pixel-wise interpolations and optimizations to reconstruct dense shapes, and 4) a single-colored pattern contributes to simplify pattern projecting devices compared to color-coded methods. In the experiment, we show the proposed method is efficient to solve the issues above.