

Phase registration of a single quasi-periodic signal using self dynamic time warping

Yasushi Makihara, Ngo Thanh Trung, Hajime Nagahara, 佐川 立昌, Yasuhiro Mukaigawa, Yasushi Yagi


This paper proposes a method for phase registration of a single non-parametric quasi-periodic signal. After a short-term period has been detected for each sample by normalized autocorrelation, Self Dynamic Time Warping (Self DTW) between a quasi-periodic signal and that with multiple-period shifts is applied to obtain corresponding samples of the same phase. A phase sequence is finally estimated by the optimization framework including the data term derived from the correspondences, the regularization term derived from short-term periods, and a monotonic increasing constraint of the phase. Experiments on quasi-periodic signals from both simulated and real data show the effectiveness of the proposed method.